
  • Development of proactive attitudes, creativity and soft skills in the target group
  • Development of the ability of innovation and of methods to increase the life standards of socially disadvantaged people
  • Increase in the qualification of the training staff operating with socially disadvantaged people
  • Mobility in other countries and exchange with foreign learners, in order to encourage active participation to a European dimension of learning
  • Increase of motivation and commitment to the learning process

Through EVALT the partnership intends to address the following problems:

  • how the volunteers can design and/or foster and/or manage non-formal and informal learning events for adult learners;
  • how the volunteers can use creative and active methods in a proper manner and in the most effective way, designing single learning moments or inserting them in a complete training path for adult disadvantaged people; how to foster soft skills – i.e. creativity, spirit of initiative, problem solving, decision making, team-work, communication and relational competencies – in disadvantaged adults, stimulating their full commitment in the learning process, including the attitude of learning to learn and self-learning;
  • how to overcome disadvantage basing on the above mentioned key skills.