This project is intended to allow volunteers to develop their ability to promote a creative and dynamic intervention among target groups, making use of a range of artistic techniques and methodologies in music, theater, dance, film or painting.
Bringing together the experience of partners involved in this project, and enjoying the variety of options that fall into the curricula of these organizations, we intend to promote a project that will foster not only the transfer of knowledge and experience gained by each partner, as well as enabling the movement volunteers for the different countries involved, providing not only the experience of technical and methodological issues, as well as linking the everyday reality of the different European cities involved, and its multiple possibilities for intervention.
The creative stimulus, it is at any stage of development of human being, an essential motor for their socialization. When we speak of artistic creation, we also speak of quality in the inter-personal relations, growth of civilization and socio-cultural identity. For this reason, the methodological processes related to arts education in their various languages, (Theatre, Dance, Music, Arts, Movies, etc..) Are often used not only for the purpose of forming creative artists, but also as a fundamental tool in the social, creative, emotional and inter-personal children, youth and adults from different walks of life and professionals.
While there is increasingly recognizing the positive effects of the use of art education in personal, social and human ethics, we will emerge indicators that demonstrate a need to structure intervention programs and training qualified agents who can work with target populations.
There are many cases of programs for leisure or volunteer activities that have as major initiatives related to education in art, but sometimes it becomes difficult to find technicians or volunteers who have the skills to lead and coordinate such programs , since a shortage of training opportunities that meet practical and theoretical experience within these disciplines.
It seemed to us then the relevant act on this premise: build quality, to intervene with quality.
Considering the importance of volunteer programs, which are often essential resources to organizations involved with communities at risk of social exclusion, it is pertinent to develop a project aimed at training volunteers, promoting their expertise in the fields of art and their leadership skills in working with disadvantaged adult groups.