
  • Carry out a research on best practices in Europe regarding informal learning for migrants, in particular with relation toliteracy and interculturality
  • Set up the Read-aloud Clubs in partner country and create a network to sustain them in the local community
  • Develop a model and toolkit for the Read-aloud Clubs, with elaboration of different scenarios for their implementation
  • Publish, disseminate and exploit the model and toolkit
  • Set up National Intercultural Reading Days in partner countries and a Transnational Intercultural Reading Day, where to celebrate interculturality, literature and informal learning through a pool of activities opened to a public audience
  • Assist migrants and adults with poor education access learning and promote their committment in the learning process
  • Improve pedagogical approaches and management of informal learning for adults
  • Improve the quality of the adult learning experience

With Read-Over project we face the problems of illiteracy, lack of intercultural competences (in a globalized world that by now requires them) and social exclusion that often migrants and poorly educated people suffer.